venerdì 23 novembre 2012
U i vethed na i onnad*
"Let me see thy image, my Holy Father, which I saw before the world was created, ... . Because of it I became a stranger to my kingdom ... .
I abandoned reason, ... thought, ... desire, since it guarded resolution and gave life to the aeons. The robe of light was set on them.
It is heavy upon me, the vesture wherein I stood.
I left my garment on the earth. … . I dress in the deathless robe.
The strangers with whom I mixed, me they know not; they tasted my sweetness, they desired to keep me with them. I was life to them, but they were death to me; I bore up beneath them, they wore me as a garment upon them. I am in everything, I bear the skies, I am the foundation, I support the earths; I am the Light that shines forth, and that gives joy to the souls. I am the life of the world; I am the milk that is in all trees; I am the sweet water that is beneath the sons of matter."
Grazie Tito!!!
PS: Il titolo è in elfico e significa: "Non è la fine ma il principio".
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Il tuo titolo spiega i versi. I versi della prima parte descrivono il principio di un ritorno al nostro essere autentico. La parte finale descrive il principio luminoso intrinseco a tutto quanto esiste.
RispondiEliminaLa poesia (e immagino anche la musica) in te e attraverso te risuona e diventa chiara.
Non so chi tu sia ma...
Un po' commossa....